Therefore, if you want to lead a tranquil and peaceful life, you have to reduce your desires and keep distance with the objective condition. 因此,我们如果想要过着平静安详的日子,就得马上降低自己的欲望,减少与客观环境接触的机会不可。
Without prejudice, we open our arms without requests and depend on nothing to hold objective condition. 我们只是心无成见的张开双臂,无所求、无所靠的与客观条件周旋交际。
In considering how to be a free man, if we judge it in the view of objective condition and subjective condition, it becomes easier to have a clearer picture. 当我们采用主观条件与客观条件理论,来评估及断定自由人的定义时,其中的道理就很清楚了。
Because of the historical reasons and objective condition limit, nursing work still hesitates at the low level and not make a progress. 由于历史原因和客观条件制约,护理工作还在低下的水平线上徘徊,停滞不前。
He is a person with lofty ideals who is brave to take all risks and struggles in objective condition. 在客观条件中勇敢的承担一切风险,奋力闯荡、征战,这个人是有志之士。
Winning other people is in the field of objective condition; winning self is work of subjective condition. 胜人是客观条件许可下主观条件力量的延伸,自胜是内在主观条件的加强及提升。
Whatever the objective condition is, it never threats him. 客观条件的优劣对他都不构成威胁。
The more desires of objective condition you have, the more disappointed you will be and the more painful you will be. 对客观条件产生的欲望愈多,失望的就愈多,痛苦也就愈多。
It is a key issue to distinguish subjective condition from objective condition. 主观条件与客观条件之间的识别与区分,对我们来说是极其重要的课题。
Under discussion of necessary conditions of the crime of financial fraud, the criminal theory unconsciously regards the cognition error as the objective condition, and result in a vexed situation. 在讨论金融诈骗罪的构成要件时,刑法理论不自觉地将认识错误纳入到客观要素中展开讨论,因而形成争论不休的局面。
As for if you can reach the goal or not, after reaching the goal, how long you can stay there, all those you have to act on the environment and objective condition, never manipulate it by force. 至于能不能达成目标,达成目标之后又能维持多久等等,都必须紧密的配合环境,随着客观条件的要求去做,丝毫勉强不得。
Buddha said that suffering is from stimulation of objective condition that is transmitted to our heart through eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and senses. 世尊说,人生的苦都是来自于客观条件的刺激,这些刺激都是经由我们的眼耳鼻舌身意以传达到我们的心中的。
Objective condition is huge to change, subjectively ideological change and study is below is cause financial people self quality mastery the major reason of relative hysteresis. 客观情况巨大变化,主观思想转变和学习不足是造成财务人员自身素质修养相对滞后的主要原因。
He is not the one who always holds a load of other's thing of objective condition but few things really belong to him. 手中拥有的是一大堆别人的客观条件的东西,而真正属于自己的却贫瘠可数。
Because objective condition of authors engineering level and urgent time, errors may exist. 由于笔者技术水平及时间紧迫等客观条件所限,错误再所难免。
We know well about that all world affairs are happened due to the interaction between subjective condition and objective condition. 我们都知道,在世间发生的所有事务,无一不是由主观条件与客观条件在互动之下而产生的。
He who is satisfied with his lot is rich, which is culture of subjective condition. Wealth, knowledge, field, joy and right are endless in objective condition. 知人是出于对客观条件的洞察力与掌握,自知是主观条件上自省的功夫。
I often have a dream, uncertain, there is no certain objective condition. 我常做一个梦,不定时,没有一定的客观条件。
He is not the one who always concerns possessing the thing of objective condition and spending no time in elaborating his own treasure. 只关心去拥有客观条件的东西,不花些时间,精力去耕耘自己的宝贝。
On the Relationship between the Subjective Guidance and the Objective Condition in Library's Management 图书馆管理中主观指导与客观条件的关系
Economic operation depends on the objective condition, that is economic environment. 经济的运行依赖于客观外界条件,即经济环境。
Different terrain industrialization modes are the result of objective condition control. 不同地域工业化模式是由客观条件所制约的结果。
The opportunity is benefit accidental objective condition acquired from practice for realizing specific target in special time and room. 机遇是人们在实践活动中获得的在特定时空内对于实现一定目标有利的意外的偶然的客观条件。
There was a outstanding antinomy between the objective condition of talent'sappear and the imperfect establishment, system and mechanisms. 三是人才成长客观条件的需要与编制、体制和机制不完善、不顺畅的矛盾比较突出。
It would affect the advanced development for teachers ability, evaluation system& objective condition; 教师的整体素质、教育评价机制、客观条件是影响参与式教学深入发展的重要因素;
The change of human heredity is the objective condition of going in for sports culture; 人类遗传性状的变化是从事体育文化的客观条件;
Here, objective condition includes an object itself, time, space, circumstances, etc. 包括物自体(客观事物)、时间、空间和环境等。
Bringing forth new ideas in circumstances is the objective condition. 环境创新是客观条件;
And the influence of the objective condition and social environment for sports; 理因素的误区;从事体育活动的客观条件和社会环境的影响;
This objective condition of Yi language usage limits the likelihood of depth research in Yi character. 这些客观彝语言使用情况限制了实验心理学关于彝族文字研究深入的可能性。